Exam day tips
  • Candidate obligations
Candidate obligations
If a candidate detects an error on his or her exam entry document (Confirmation of Entry - COE) this must be communicated to the Examination Centre so that it can be amended before the date of the test. Candidates requiring special needs or assistance on the day of their examination must make a written request to the Exam Centre on or before the examination entry deadline date and submit the necessary documents for approval. Candidates failing to do this may not be granted special needs.

All candidates are required to follow the instructions given by exam day staff and to comply with the guidelines set out in the following documents: Summary Regulations and Notice to Candidates. It is especially important for candidates to observe the following points:
  • The use and possession of mobile phones and electronic items in the examination rooms and during the breaks between components.
  • Malpractice and fraudulent behaviour (copying, communicating with other candidates, identity fraud, etc.)
  • Breach of any regulation, rule or instruction that has been given verbally or in writing.
All candidates are expressly required to abide by the conditions of service and the examination regulations as a prior condition to take the examination.

Fraud and malpractice
By accepting the examination regulations and conditions of service candidates agree to behave adequately at all times during the examination session and to abide by the examination regulations set out by Cambridge English Language Assessment.

The rules and regulations on how candidates must behave during the examination are given in the Notice to Candidates. Centres will give a copy to each candidate. Anyone not following the instructions contained in this Notice may be stopped from taking the examination or may be subject to the Malpractice procedures, full details of which are available on www.cambridgeenglish.org/help/malpractice.

Malpractice such as copying is likely to be noticed by the invigilator or supervisor, but may also be detected by examiners during marking and by statistical checks applied to candidates’ answers. Any candidate found to have been involved in malpractice will not receive a result. Candidates have the right to appeal, via their Centre Exams Manager, against any decision relating to malpractice, and details of the Cambridge English Language Assessment Appeals Procedure are also available on www.cambridgeenglish.org.

The use of offensive, rude or racist language in examination answers will not be accepted and an examination will not be marked or a result given if the examiner finds language like this. Cambridge English Language Assessment’s decision on this is final.

Cambridge English examinations are marked by qualified examiners who are subject to a rigorous training and monitoring programme. Part of the monitoring of Speaking Examiners may involve the audio-recording of selected live interviews. Candidates should, therefore, be aware that their Speaking test may be recorded.

Any behaviour considered by the Cambridge English Language Assessment regulations to be fraudulent will result in the withdrawal of candidate results.

Exams Catalunya takes all possible measures to ensure the health and safety of candidates during exam sessions in accordance with the recommendations of the authorities. These measures include:

Social distance

We will restrict the number of candidates per room so that the requisite distance can be maintained among candidates and between candidates and staff / examiners.

The centre will control the entrance to and exit from exam rooms so that social distancing is maintained.

We will remind candidates to maintain social distance during breaks.
Candidates with symptoms

We will ask any candidates with any possible symptoms of Covid-19 to self-isolate and not attend their exam sessionand arrange for these candidates to swap to a future session.

Hygiene measures

We will require that ALL candidates wear masks for the duration of the exam session.

The centre will provide masks for sale to any candidate not wearing a mask.

The centre will provide hydro-alcoholic hand sanitizer at all venues.

The centre will provide candidates with hydro-alcoholic wipes to clean computer keyboards before using.


Exams Catalunya will ensure that our own headphones are thoroughly sanitised between sessions.

Thaks for your collaboration and good luck in your exam!

COVID-19 - Specific measures to be adopted at exam sessions
In order to guarantee the health and saftey of candidates and exam day staff, our exam centre will implement a series of preventative measures at sessions while the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation lasts.
Before the exam...

Candidates and accompanying persons should stand in a line and maintain a distance of 1.2 metres, face masks are obligatory inside the premises. Please do not gather in groups outside the building.

Candidates over the age of 18 should come to the exam venue on their own.

Minors may be accompanied by one adult who should not enter the building.

If you need to bring a bag or backpack with you it should be as small as possible.

Candidates are required to bring the completed signed health declaration form with them. Candidates who do not bring the form will not be allowed to take their exam.

In the building...

Please go directly to your exam room; candidates must not gather in common areas.

All candidates must walk in single file along the right hand side and maintain a minimum distance of 1.2 metres.

Face masks are obligatory.

Candiates must use sanitiser gel before they go into the exam room.

During the written test...

Pens, pencils and erasers will not be provided. You must bring your own.

You may not share any material with other candidates.

You can have a bottle of water on your desk which must be plastic and transparent.

You can bring food to your desk (cold snack). This must be in a  transparent plastic bag.

You will not be allowed to leave the exam room during breaks but
  • Candidates may go to the toilet in an orderly manner
  • You can stand up, stretch, etc.
Pleaser do not leave anything behind in the exam room. All materials will be destroyed after the session.

During the Speaking Test...

Face masks are obligatory.

Please do not touch the exam material.

If your Speaking Test is on the same day as the written test please leave the building and return no more than 15 minutes before the time of your test.
Speaking tests with a remote assessor

If it is not possible to have two speaking examiners in a test room due to Covid related issues, whether this is social distancing or travel restrictions, our centre will arrange for one of the speaking examiners to assess your test remotely. You will be contacted in advance so that you know what to expect.
  • you will be in the test room with another candidate (or two candidates if your speaking test is a group of three) and one examiner
  • a second examiner will observe via a live stream. The examiner may be at a different location or in a separate room in the same building
  • both examiners will mark your speaking test
  • the test will not be recorded, and your speaking test will be corrected live

Good luck in your exam!

Important warning
Candidates must fully comply with the preventative measures required by Cambridge English and our exam centre. Non compliance may put others at risk and as such any candidate failing to comply will not be issued with a result or certificate.
Please read this poster carefully.